by NSC Admin | Jul 7, 2023 | USA CUP, Target USA CUP Media Releases, Upcoming Events
Media Contact: Sara SoliNational Sports Center763-717-3874ssoli@nscsports.orgNATIONAL SPORTS CENTER – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEBLAINE, Minn., (June 5, 2023) — The National Sports Center (NSC) is excited to announce that the 2023 Target USA CUP will take place July 14-22,...
by NSC Admin | Dec 5, 2022 | Cleats, Upcoming Events, NSC Campus
If you’re looking for opportunities to get noticed by college coaches from across the country, chances are you’ve come across soccer combines in your search. Similar to a college showcase, combines offer exposure to college coaches and the chance to create...
by NSC Admin | Oct 10, 2022 | Sports, Media Releases, Upcoming Events, Lifestyle, NSC Campus
The 10th annual Hard Water Ice Fishing Expo is set to take place at the National Sports Center from November 18-20, 2022. With ice fishing season around the corner, the event will give fishermen an opportunity to attend seminars from professionals, preview the latest...
by NSC Admin | Dec 15, 2021 | Upcoming Events, Lifestyle, NSC Campus, Cleats, Sports
What is futsal? Futsal is a pared-down version of outdoor soccer played indoors, on a smaller field and with fewer players (five-a-side). The term ‘futsal’ stems from the Spanish or Portuguese word for “soccer” and the French or Spanish word for “room”—fútbol de salón...