by Molly Scarborough | Jul 19, 2023 | USA CUP, Cleats, Sports, Daily Kick
Speak Up at Target USA CUP is serving three main pillars around mental health – expanding awareness, increasing education, and connecting with community organizers. To build on this, the U.S. Center for Mental Health & Sport (USC-MHS) is offering its ACT!...
by Jacob LeVasseur | Jul 9, 2022 | USA CUP Photos, Daily Kick, USA CUP
We’re in the business of action here at Target USA CUP! Here are 35 photos that show the competition as teams set their sights on USA CUP hardware!
by NSC Admin | Jun 2, 2022 | Daily Kick, USA CUP, Target USA CUP Midweek Buzz, Cleats
Internationals Forms & Fees Activities Thank you! Welcome to the MidWeek Buzz! Your once a week Pre-Target USA CUP updates and buzz! Internationals are back! Target USA CUP is proud to announce that after a crazy 2 years, international teams will be back on the...